Fuzi's St. Baldrick's Raffle!!

To add a little variety, this year I'm going to try something different. Instead of just hitting you up for money, I'm going to have a raffle for fun and fabulous prizes.
So for every $20 you donate on my (soon to be bald) head, you'll get one chance for 1 of 3 prizes. So the more you donate the better you chances.
I'll randomly draw 3 names the day after St. Baldrick's, March 30, 2014.

Third Prize

A $25 gift card to Starschmuks coffee.

Second Prize

A $25 gift card to Amazon.

Grand Prize!!

A handmade, by me*, native American flute. Sure to be a collectors item and double in value!!

(* well it started out square w/ predrilled holes, but I did the rest.)

So donate now, here!